Curriculum Vitae

For a most up-to-date version of my CV or résumé, please contact me.



At USC, Gonzalez is a teaching assistant for several undergraduate courses, including Communication and Technology, and Communication and Mass Media.

Gonzalez was the instructor on file for English Speaking & Listening, English for Urban Planning Majors, and Academic English at Amasya University, as a visiting Fulbright ETA.

At San Francisco State University, Gonzalez was a teaching assistant for Ethnicity and Nationalism (political science and international relations course) for the 2014-2015 academic year.



Gonzalez has presented his research across California, in Chicago, New York and online during the COVID-19 pandemic. He has presented his research at conferences in political science, communication, and economic and social research.

The 2018 International Conference on Communication and Media Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, awarded his research the “Emerging Scholar Award.”



In 2022, Gonzalez has several articles under review and has co-published reports meant to make his research more accessible to non-academic communities. Please feel free to reach out to him to learn more about this work or if you would like a pdf of the following articles:

  • “Not a Monolith!” Media Narratives of the Latina/o/x Vote after the 2020 U.S. Election, Howard Journal of Communications, DOI: 10.1080/10646175.2022.2033650

  • "Live Instruction Predicts Engagement in K–12 Remote Learning." Educational Researcher (2021): 0013189X211056884.

  • “Stereotypical Depictions of Latino Criminality: U.S. Latinos in the Media during the MAGA Campaign” (2019) is in Democratic Communiqué, a biannual journal published by the Union for Democratic Communications (UDC).

  • “Political Participation in Democratizing Turkey: An Analysis of Protest Participation,” is published in the Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations (University of Pennsylvania).